- Cash is the most efficient method of donating – cash offers voluntary agencies the most flexibility in obtaining the most-needed resources.
- Donate through a trusted organization – please ensure your donations are getting to the people in need through trusted groups such as Red Cross, Salvation Army and St. John Ambulance. Learn more about these non-government organizations (NGO) partners.
- Affiliate yourself with an existing non-profit organization before coming to a disaster area – immediately following a disaster a community can become easily overwhelmed by the amount of generous people who want to help. Working with an organization ensures you are properly grouped, trained, and able to respond in the most effective way.
- Get Ready for Crisis with Volunteer.ca
- Be safe – do not self deploy until a need has been identified. Once you have safely arrived checkin and ensure you wear and work safely.
- Be patient – recovery is a long process and will last much longer than the media attention. There will be volunteer needs for weeks, often months after the disaster – especially when the community enters the long-term recovery period. Take time to rest and remember we are all working towards making things better.
- Cash is the most needed and efficient way to help those impacted by disaster.
- Confirm what is needed BEFORE dropping off any goods.
- If specific goods are needed they will be requested.
- Unsolicited goods may distract agencies from providing necessary services to sort, package, transport, warehouse, and distribute items and may not meet the needs of survivors.